Teens and Oregon Mustangs


Teens and Oregon Mustangs Is A BLM Youth & Yearling Training Event The 2013 Event 98 days, 20 teen trainers and 20 Wild Oregon Yearling Mustangs, the 2013 Teens and Oregon Mustangs Youth and Yearling Challenge culminates at the show and live auction on August 24, 2013 at the Yamhill County Fair Grounds in McMinnville Oregon. Watch them compete for variety of prizes as well as a grand prize saddle followed by a LIVE AUCTION to adopt your favorite gentled mustang, bidding starts online before the event! For more information explore our website at www.teensandoregonmustangs.org. Teens and Oregon Mustang, Inc. is a federal 501-C3 non-profit corporation, if you would like to make a donation, please email us or contact Erica Fitzgerald. All donations are tax deductible. Our goals and aims are: ” To promote and encourage adoption of wild horses and burros through showcasing the mustang s train ability and value to the general public. ” Educate Oregon youth by improving their horsemanship skills. ” Build life training skills for Oregon youth through the field of competition. ” Encourage higher education for youth trainers by offering college scholarships to graduating seniors Sponsorship Opportunities Excellent marketing opportunities with high visibility. We are seeking sponsors for auctioneers, judges, artists, musicians, jewelers, award saddles and buckles, college scholarships ( restricted donations are encouraged and accepted), equipment rentals and food concessions.

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