Star Espresso and Catering

Star Espresso and Catering

Star Espresso and Catering

Star Espresso & Catering is a mobile espresso, beverage, meal & snacks company. We offer hot food, baked goods, snacks, fresh fruit & more.

We are at the Evergreen Fairgrounds in the horse park in Monroe.

Our Fantastic Spring Beverage & Food Menu

  • Latte, Mocha, Americano, Chai, Spiced or Vanilla by Big Train Hot Chocolate, Steamer, Carmel Macchiato
  • Tea (hot & iced) several flavors, mostly Tazo fresh brewedLemonade, guilt free Zero sugar calories made with stevia
  • Italian Soda, Red Bull Italian Soda with or without cream
  • Smoothies Real Fruit
  • Juice, Izze & Water

Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner & Special Goodies:

Breakfast sandwiches, Breakfast Burritos, gourmet oatmeal, bagels with cream cheese, Erin Bakers breakfast cookies, greek yogurt, muffins, string cheese, chips, meal bars & more…

Custom & Signature Panini, Cold Cut Sandwich, Wraps, Grilled Cheese, Cheese Quesadilla, Egg Salad Slider, Bacon Cheese Burger, Fries, BBQ Pork Rib burger, Foot Long Polish Dog, Corn Dog, Hot Dogs, Spicy Hot Link, Caesar Salad, Cobb Salad, Greek Salad, Spinach Salad, Pasta Salad, Coleslaw, Potato Salad, PB & J, Organic Carrot Cups with ranch or hummus, Organic steamed Edamame, Hummus with Grilled Pita

All our food is MSG free.
We have something for Celiacs, Vegetarians & Diabetics

To bring you awesome beverages & food. Provide you with some healthy & some not so healthy snacks or meals to keep you going thru out your event.

Event Venues & Services>Event Food/Coffee Services

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