Hand Painted Equine Art and Custom Portraits by Summer Derrickson
Hi there! My name is Summer, and as a professional artist I aim to help you create a home that sings songs of wonder, joy, beauty, and hope to you every day. For the home is where you get ready to take on the daily challenges and find rest when it’s done. By filling it with beautiful equines, vibrant colors, and hope inspired messages I believe art helps to feed our souls in turn creating happier communities. Beauty and art are not frivolous luxuries, they are essential for feeding the heart with goodness, for:
“A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart.. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.” – Luke 6:45 NIV
I offer hand crafted unique faith and equine inspired paintings, custom portraits, and gift items. Please check out my site or reach out if you would like something unique created for your home.
Visit Summers Art Studio and satisfy your soul today! I look forward to seeing you there!
Summer Derrickson
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