National Museum of Horseshoeing Tools

Oklahoma City
National Museum of Horseshoeing Tools

National Museum of Horseshoeing Tools

Whether you’re a farrier, a horseman, or just interested in learning something about one of the horse world’s oldest trades, a visit to the National Museum of Horse Shoeing Toolsgives an entertaining look at the tools, life and products in the horse shoers’ world.

Begun as a private collection, the Museum features one-of-a-kind items and memorabilia that has been gathered over many years. Now, in one place is an unprecedented and never-before-seen collection that contains both the conventional and the unusual – the contemporary and the obsolete.

Plus, the museum features an extensive collection of the horse shoer in art. Visit the National Museum of Horse Shoeing tools and be delighted and amazed as you view the heritage and the history of the trade itself.Plus, tour the museum’s Hall of Honor to learn about the luminaries in this fascinating field – the companies and manufacturers that have created products for the horse shoeing industry.

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