Founded in 1978, the Kentucky Horseshoeing School has continually focused on primary and continuing education, drawing upon the best of traditional practices as well as the newest research to become the premiere farrier education center in North America. Our curriculum, our staff, and our facilities continually evolve to reflect state-of-the-art shoeing methods and materials as well as the latest insights into balanced shoeing.
Both working professional farriers and KHS students benefit from our educational programs, designed to provide the farrier community with a thorough understanding of the current techniques and the latest skills required for providing hoof and leg health. Our instruction focuses upon understanding balanced shoeing through a combination of intense anatomy, physiology and biomechanical training as well as practical work. Through a deep and thorough understanding of the equine’s biomechanical processes, our students understand “why” along side of “how” when formulating a hoof care plan.
One of the cornerstones of KHS is our commitment to offering up-to-date continuing education as well as competition level training.
Throughout the curricular year, we coordinate and offer numerous educational events, featuring the industry’s most respected clinicians. Our clinics, Kentucky_Horseshoeing_School_2757-001designed for both farriers and veterinarians, draw practitioners from around the country and around the globe, providing them and our currently enrolled students with valuable insight and contacts within the professional community.
Additionally, we custom design individual clinics and independent study programs for those desiring hands-on assistance for specific concerns in a one-on-one setting.
See our website and Facebook page for additional information and images.
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