Fleet of Angels

Fleet of Angels
Fleet of Angels Provides Emergency Grants and Services for Equines in Crisis

Fleet of Angels
Fleet of Angels Provides Emergency Grants and Services for Equines in Crisis

Fleet of Angels is a national non-profit service organization that provides emergency micro-grants (typically $250-$1000, depending upon the situation) and services for equines in crisis due to natural disasters and other situations that put their well-being at risk. Grants for emergency horse hay, urgent vet care, post-disaster fence repair expenses, emergency transportation, or other critical are available to qualified individuals and small equine rescues. Fleet of Angels also offers Bonded for Life micro-grants to adopters and rescuers who take two or more bonded equines into their care, committing to give them good care and a safe haven together for the rest of their lives. Visit our website for more information. Founded in 2012.

Emergency Services|Resources|Rescue|Welfare>Equine|Emergency Horse Transport/Emergency Hay and Crisis-related Micro-grants

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