Community Equine Outreach of Eastern Washington

Community Equine Outreach of Eastern Washington

Community Equine Outreach of Eastern Washington

Community Equine Outreach (C.E.O.) of Eastern Washington is a collaborated effort of rescuers and horse enthusiasts. We’ve individually rescued horses on our own for several years, as well as fostering and transporting for other rescues in Oregon and Washington, but have come together as an organization to extend our abilities.

Our focus is to promote:

  • Gelding clinics
  • Humane euthanasia assistance
  • Work with local authorities on neglect seizures, & owner surrenders
  • In development is a feed bank to provide temporary feed assistance

Our primary work is in the communities of Kennewick, Pasco, Benton City, Richland, Yakima, and surrounding areas in Washington State.

We at CEOEW welcome new members, join us today and help promote your interest.

See our website and Facebook pages for updates on current events and additional information about CEOEW! 

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