Butlerhill Horseback Riding – Cindi Pendel

Butlerhill Horseback Riding – Cindi Pendel

Butlerhill Horseback Riding – Cindi Pendel

Washington Horseback Adventures!

We have rental Horses for beginners through advanced riders. Groups up to 10 people, parties, and picnic area. Good looking, friendly, and well broke horses.

  • Great fun for a family or work place gathering.
  • Lots of different trails and an easy drive from Seattle.
  • Horseback parties with picnic area.
  • Corporate trail rides – package deals – great rates.
  • You can bring your horse and your family or friends can ride ours.

We offer hourly or daily horse rentals from $50.00 – $80.00

See our website for additional information.

Our Horses and Trails have been featured on the TV show Best of America by Horseback.

Horse Rental

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