RAD Hoof Trimming/ Ruth A. DeGennaro

RAD Hoof Trimming/ Ruth A. DeGennaro

RAD Hoof Trimming/ Ruth A. DeGennaro

Ruth A. DeGennaro, Winlock. WA . USA
Phone (360) 880-3264
email: radhooftrimming@yahoo.com
Website: radhooftrimming.com
Please visit my updated website to experience what RAD Hoof Trimming is all about. Rehablitation, Anatomical, Dynamic. Over 25 years experience. Pete Ramey and Jaime Jackson inspired but not affiliated with. See my website and read my autobiography.
Appointments anyday including weekends.
Accepting new clients in Lewis and parts of Cowlitz county. Farm call or Haul in appointments. One on one trim instruction. Renegade hoof boot fitting. Positive reinforcement horse handling , training and coaching.


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